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This survey is being created as a part of the immersive art exhibition, Reconnect: The Healing Power of Nature. The artist, Mike Maciaszek, hopes to better understand how the exhibition impacts the viewer's perception of nature and their well-being. By gathering feedback, the artist aims to refine future projects and ensure the exhibition resonates with audiences in a meaningful way, while also gauging its ability to inspire people to spend more time outdoors, disconnect from daily stress, and reconnect with what truly matters.

Three-Question Survey:

After experiencing the exhibition, do you feel more inspired to spend time in nature? If so, what aspect of the exhibit resonated with you the most?

Single choice
a) The multi-sensory engagement with the large prints
b) The active participation element
c) The research and studies shared
d) Other (please specify)

Did the exhibition help you reflect on the benefits of disconnecting from daily life and reconnecting with nature?

Single choice
a) Yes, very much
b) Yes, somewhat
c) No, not really
d) No, not at all

Which aspect of the exhibit do you think best demonstrated the healing power of nature?

Multi choice
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